CSP10 ATT - Update on the political declaration for the 10th anniversary of the Treaty : Statement by Commissaire Philippe Lejeune (Geneva, 22nd of August 2024) [fr]

Mr. Chairman,

France has been committed to the Arms Trade Treaty since the start of the negotiation process that led to its adoption. The Treaty has since established itself as one of the most valuable mechanisms for better controlling international arms transfers.

The observations that presided over its negotiation are still valid: greater transparency, common understanding and better control of transfers by States remain indisputable imperatives, as does the need to step up the fight against arms trafficking and detour.

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Treaty, it remains a unique, living and essential instrument of cooperation to promote better control and transparency of conventional arms transfers. France remains mobilized to help achieve these objectives, which are still relevant today.

The ATT recognizes the right of all States to individual or collective self-defense, as set out in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, as well as the legitimate interest of all States to acquire arms in the exercise of their right to self-defense, and to export and import arms for this purpose. The ATT is thus a useful and pragmatic instrument for better controlling international arms transfers, and will ultimately achieve its aims by contributing to international peace, security and stability, and reducing human suffering.

The ATT has a global vocation, and the universality of the standards it sets must remain our objective. We must therefore continue our efforts to ensure that as many countries as possible join. One of the reasons holding back certain importers from acceding to the ATT is concern about the future of their ability to import in order to meet their legitimate defence needs. We must reassure them and encourage them to join the treaty, reminding them that it respects the right to self-defense in compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights, while improving cooperation between States to combat detour and trafficking.

I would like to conclude by welcoming the political declaration initiative, which France fully endorses.

Thank you very much.

publié le 21/08/2024

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