BWC – Working Group on the Strengthening of the Convention (Geneva, 15-16 March 2023) [fr]

The Working Group on the Strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) held its first meeting on 15-16 March in Geneva. France chaired the meeting as a vice-president of the Working Group’s Bureau.


Established by the Ninth Review Conference of the BWC (Geneva, 28 November – 16 December 2022), the Working Group was officially launched by this meeting dedicated to the organisation of its work until 2026. This work will cover the following aspects of the BWC:

  • international cooperation and assistance under Article X;
  • scientific and technological developments relevant to the Convention;
  • confidence-building and transparency;
  • compliance and verification;
  • national implementation of the Convention;
  • assistance, response and preparedness under Article VII;
  • organizational, institutional and financial arrangements.

As President of the Bureau, Brazil will chair the substantive meetings for the next two years. The substantive meetings will start in August 2023.

publié le 27/03/2023

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