Side-event : BTWC Article VII (6 December, 2017) [fr]

The delegation of France to the Conference on disarmament held a side-event on “Article VII of the BTWC : Initiating a request for assistance in case of an exposition to a biological danger as a result of a violation of the Convention”.

The event was held on 6 December 2017 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Ambassador Alice Guitton, Permanent Representatitve of France to the Conference on Disarmament chaired this side-event, with the participation of Dr. Elisande Nexon and Dr. Jean-Pascal Zanders from the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS).

Other experts from the table-top exercice held in 2016 in the margins of the 8th Review Conference of the BTWC took part in this event, including Dr. Nisreen Al-Hmoud (Scientific Royal Society of Jordan), Mr. Mahdi Al Jewari (National Authority of Surveillance of Iraq) and Dr. Stefan Kloth (Robert Koch Institute of Germany).

The final report of the TTX exercice, prepared by the FRS, can be consulted hereunder:

- Final report of the table-top exercice on Article VII

The presentations of the panelists can be found below:

- Presentation by Dr. Elisande Nexon
- Presentation by Dr. Jean-Pascal Zanders
- Presentation by Mr. Stefan Kloth


publié le 31/03/2020

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