Fourth session of the Group of Governmental Experts (Geneva, from the 23rd of March to the 2nd of April, 2015) [fr]

The 4th session of the Group of government experts on the FMCT will gather in Geneva from the 23rd of March to the 2nd of April, 2015. France is represented within the group by the Ambassador Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel, Permanent representative of France to the Conference on Disarmament.

It is very important to France that the negotiations for the FMCT start as soon as possible because it represents the next logical step regarding nuclear disarmament and if fits in the framework of the action 15 of the 2010 NPT action plan. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty enabled to stop the qualitative improvement of weapons. The FMCT will enable to act on quantity, by prohibiting the production of fissile material, that constitute the raw material for weapons. This treaty will also include benefits regarding the fight against proliferation.

The establishment of a group of government experts is the result of the adoption by the General Assembly, during the 67th session (2012) of the resolution A/RES/67/53 titled "treaty prohibiting the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive weapons".

The resolution was adopted with the support of 166 States, showing the strong committment of the international community for this initiative.

publié le 03/08/2016

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