Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020) [fr]

Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)

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On February 5th 2020, 40 delegations accredited with the Conference on disarmament visited the French fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule, which are now dismantled. The irreversible dismantling of these facilities illustrates France’s efforts in advancing nuclear disarmament. This visit was set in the broader context of the preparation of the Non Proliferation Treaty review conference, which will take place from the 27th of April to the 22th of May 2020, and which constitutes an important date for collective security. As reaffirmed by French President Emmanuel Macron in his speech on the Defense and Deterrence Strategy on the 7th of last February, France supports the negotiation of a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons. France, which is particularly committed to this instrument, is convinced that the FMCT is a fundamental step in achieving the objective of general and complete nuclear disarmament under international control, an objective defined under article VI of the treaty.

Windows Media Video - 110.5 Mb
Visit of the French dismantled fissile material production facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule (05/02/2020)
(Windows Media Video - 110.5 Mb)

publié le 30/04/2020

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